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Quickstart guide - GitHub Copilot


This guide will get you up and running with CodeGate in just a few minutes using Visual Studio Code and GitHub Copilot. By the end, you'll learn how CodeGate helps protect your privacy and improve the security of your applications.


You must have an active subscription to GitHub Copilot.

CodeGate runs on Windows, macOS (Apple or Intel silicon), or Linux systems.

Required software:

Start the CodeGate container

Run CodeGate using Docker:

docker run --name codegate -d -p 8989:8989 -p 9090:9090 -p 8990:8990 --mount type=volume,src=codegate_volume,dst=/app/codegate_volume --restart unless-stopped

This pulls the latest CodeGate image from the GitHub Container Registry and starts the container the background, with the required port bindings and a volume for persistent data storage.

To verify that CodeGate is running, open the CodeGate dashboard in your web browser: http://localhost:9090

Install the CodeGate CA certificate

To enable CodeGate, you must install its Certificate Authority (CA) into your certificate trust store.

Why is this needed?

The CA certificate allows CodeGate to securely intercept and modify traffic between GitHub Copilot and your IDE. Decrypted traffic never leaves your local machine.

To install the CodeGate certificate, open the Certificate download page in the web dashboard: http://localhost:9090/certificates

Click the Download Certificate button, review the security information, and follow the OS-specific instructions on the page to import the certificate to your trust store.

Configure VS Code to use CodeGate

In VS Code, open the Command Palette (+Shift+P on macOS or Ctrl+Shift+P on Windows/Linux) and search for the Preferences: Open User Settings (JSON) command. Run it to open your VS Code settings.json file in the editor.

Add the following settings to your configuration:

// ... Existing settings ... //

// Note: you may need to add a comma after the last line of your existing settings if not present

"http.proxy": "https://localhost:8990",
"http.proxyStrictSSL": true,
"http.proxySupport": "on",
"http.systemCertificates": true,
"github.copilot.advanced": {
"debug.useNodeFetcher": true,
"debug.useElectronFetcher": true,
"debug.testOverrideProxyUrl": "https://localhost:8990",
"debug.overrideProxyUrl": "https://localhost:8990"

Enter codegate version in the Copilot chat to confirm that CodeGate is intercepting Copilot traffic. CodeGate responds with its version number.


There is a known issue with codegate commands in Copilot chat if you have a file included in the context. Close all open files or use the eye icon in the chat input to disable the current file context, otherwise Copilot responds based on the file you have open instead of returning the command result.

Explore CodeGate's key features

To learn more about CodeGate's capabilities, clone the demo repository to a local folder on your system.

git clone

This repo contains intentionally risky code for demonstration purposes. Do not run this in a production environment or use any of the included code in real projects.

Open the project folder in VS Code. You can do this from the UI or in the terminal:

cd codegate-demonstration
code .

Protect your secrets

Often while developing, you'll need to work with sensitive information like API keys or passwords. You've certainly taken steps to avoid checking these into your source repo, but they are fair game for Copilot to send to its language models as context.

Open the conf.ini or eth/app.json file from the demo repo in the VS Code editor. In the Copilot chat panel, observe that Copilot has automatically loaded the active file as context.

Copilot chat showing the current file selectedCopilot chat showing the current file selected

Enter this prompt into the chat:

Copilot chat
Explain the current file

CodeGate intercepts the request and transparently redacts the sensitive data before it leaves your machine.

Copilot results identifying redacted secretsCopilot results identifying redacted secrets

Learn more in Secrets and PII redaction.

Assess dependency risk

Open the javascript/App.js file from the demo repo in the VS Code editor. Confirm that it's now the active context file in Copilot.

Copilot chat showing the current file selectedCopilot chat showing the current file selected

Enter the following prompt into the chat:

Copilot chat
Review this file

Using its up-to-date knowledge from Stacklok Insight, CodeGate identifies the malicious and deprecated packages referenced in the code.

Copilot results identifying risky dependenciesCopilot results identifying risky dependencies

Learn more in Dependency risk awareness.

View the dashboard

Open your web browser to http://localhost:9090 and explore the CodeGate dashboard.

The dashboard displays security alerts and history of interactions between your AI assistant and the LLM. Several alerts and prompts from the previous steps in this tutorial should be visible now. Over time, this helps you understand how CodeGate is actively protecting your privacy and security.

CodeGate dashboardCodeGate dashboard

Next steps

Congratulations, CodeGate is now hard at work protecting your privacy and enhancing the security of your AI-assisted development!

Check out the rest of the docs to learn more about how to use CodeGate and explore all of its Features.

We want to hear about your experiences using CodeGate! Join the #codegate channel on the Stacklok Community Discord server to chat about the project, and let us know about any bugs or feature requests in GitHub Issues.

Removing CodeGate

Of course we hope you'll want to continue using CodeGate, but if you want to stop using it, follow these steps to clean up your environment.

  1. Remove the proxy settings from your VS Code configuration.

  2. Remove the CodeGate CA certificate from your trust store:

    Open the Keychain Access app and delete the "CodeGate CA" certificate from the login keychain, or run the following from a terminal:

    security delete-certificate -c "CodeGate CA" -t ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
  3. Stop and remove the CodeGate container:

    docker rm -f codegate
  4. Delete the persistent volume:

    docker volume rm codegate_volume